Monday, August 9, 2010

Limbo: Four Hours of Dying Happy

I finally got around to playing Limbo on Wednesday and I loved every minute of it.

My love for the game has nothing to do with the graphics. Even if they are lovely, making the absolute most out of what a 2d platformer can offer.

It's not about they story, which may or may not exist, come to your own conclusions, I've read some interesting thoughts on the matter.

It's not about the music, which is sparse and helps to really set the tone and immerse you in the game play.

This game is 100% enjoyable because of the dying.

Oh the dying. It happened so often and it was glorious each and every time. There wasn't one time I was frustrated with the game; it was so forgiving, I'd restart play moments before my most recent death. Dying is the way you learn in Limbo, it's trial by error, but you'll find that there are very few errors that don't end in cartoon death.

Are the traps and puzzle hugely innovative... not if you've played a good amount of puzzle games. Again, the unique point of the game is the glee in my characters death.

As an aside, for whatever reason this game reminded me of Portal (a unique cult classic puzzle game, remind you of anything?), so I felt the need to replay that before writing this. I'm not sure why I needed to do that, but it made both experiences feel all that more rewarding, I recommend it highly.

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