Monday, August 23, 2010

Demo Review: Monday Night Combat

Welcome to Monday Night Combat!

Before we get started, let's keep in mind that this is a Demo Review. Since it's a demo, that means I can't play this game like I imagine it was meant to be played: online multiplayer. I can only imagine what this badboy plays like on line... so that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Monday Night Combat is a pretty simple game. Simplicity, when it's well executed, can breed the heck out of fun, and this is exactly the case here. You have six classes to choose from, each varies in special abilities and combat prowess. You have one goal: protect your moneyball (flag) from the hordes of robots (online you can play against other live opponents, I imagine this is more fun than beating back the robots) that are attacking you. To help you with this goal, you can build up a handful of turrets for some automated defense.

I'm going to rock this backwards.

Turret defense is huge. In fact, it's the only thing you need to use in order to beat the demo. I'm sure this is less of a giant advantage in multi, but just against the bots it's an auto win. Get yourself a few Level 3 Laser Turrets and you can prop your feet up as you watch bits of bots fly. Did I not mention there are 4 kinds of turrets that you can build? There are. I only played around with the Laser Turrets. I saw the word Laser and was completely satisfied.

The object of the is to protect your moneyball. Think capture the flag, except replace "capture" with "destroy" and "flag" with "moneyball". FYI, the moneyball is a big yellow orb (or ball) that hovers in the center of your arena. Fortunately, it takes a bit of damage from the bots before the ball's shields are lowered and the ball itself can be damaged. I haven't lost yet, so I can tell you the ball can take a solid amount of damage before you lose.

Here we get to the fun stuff, character classes! From left to right we have: Gunner, Support, Assassin, Assault, Sniper, Tank.

For your general combat purposes you're going to want to use either the Gunner or the Assault Class. With the Gunner you have a class that's all about overwhelming power. You're going to be slow, but you have a big gun that shoots a lot of bullets really fast. The Assault class is more well rounded, in that you can run and gun effectively, but you make up for the speed with a softer punch. Both are fun to play, for my time I'd go with the Assault class. While I do love overwhelming power, I enjoy options a little bit more.

If you want to get up close and personal, pick either the Tank or the Assassin. The Tank is great for getting all up in someone's grill. Damage doesn't really faze him and he packs a nasty punch. He even has a great area attack that will hit anyone in a complete 360. Solid damage, solid damage reduction. He's slow as heck, but when you catch up to your opponent he's going to pay. The Assassin is just like the Tank... when it comes to close combat prowess. She tears through machines with her katana and has a nifty Predator-esque cloaking device to get in close. The problem with her is that she folds quick. I can see her doing well online, but for the demo...

Lastly, we have the Support and Sniper classes. I'm sure both can be interesting when it comes to online play, but for purposes of the demo... Support is all about healing turrets and hacking opposing turrets, which I'm sure is fun, but here he just doesn't do anything. The Sniper will likely play a lot like the Assassin in multiplayer, just, ya know from range, cause he's a Sniper. Here, his rate of fire sucks, so he's not going to help you with anything.

As it stands, I'm sure if I had 1200 Microsoft Points and a Gold Status membership I'd buy the heck out of and play the heck out of this game. As it stands, I'm not huge on Online gaming, so I don't have it. Maybe I'll change my mind at some point.

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