Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Expendables: Great Movie or Greatest Movie

I had the immense pleasure of watching the new smash hit movie The Expendables this weekend.
In case you're a terrible awful person and are unaware, The Expendables is the brainchild of Sylvester Stallone, Starring Sylvester Stallone, Written by Sylvester Stallone, and Directed by Sylvester Stallone. Aside from being a sweet Sylvester Stallone joint (which, frankly, is more than enough to get me to the theater, that man has great credentials [Rocky, Rambo, Cliffhanger, Cobra, etc]) the film also stars/features the esteemed likes of: Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Terry Crews, and Mickey Rourke. I've been in love with this film since it was announced, no, I've been in love with this film since I thought of it in 5th grade while I was supposed to be doing something or other at school.

I need to say it: The Expendables exceeded each and every one of my expectations. I thought it would be a fun action flick. I like fun action flicks. There is an absolute need for them. Not every film should be a testament to the capabilities of the medium, some should just be a testament to the insanity of the over indulged adolescent male brain. Stallone, despite being 40 years my senior, can tap into that little hyper active boy far better than I could hope to. As far as I'm concerned, that makes Sly a national treasure. For a good two hours I was on the edge of my seat watching brutal fist fights, massive gun battles, and explosions galore.

Watch this film.

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