Saturday, July 31, 2010

Limbo: My Woman on the Side

I've struggled with writing this. No, that's not fully accurate, I've struggled with sitting down to write this.

I've only played the demo for Limbo, a new XBox Live Arcade title. I haven't been able to pull myself away from Fallout 3 to dedicate the five or so hours that it takes for a play through of Limbo. The problem here is that I kind of need to play Limbo, even if I deny that I do, because it's seriously killing my enjoyment of Fallout 3! Oh, I'll go in, explore for a bit (Operation: Anchorage really helped me to focus in) but then I'll start to think of Limbo. Oh, Limbo, you with your simplistic game play, your deep and dark moody atmosphere, your so simple it's revolutionary 2d platforming experience... and then a Super Mutant or some other such creature murders me because I was daydreaming about my other love. I think I might be cheating on Fallout 3 like Cyclops cheated on Jean Grey (nerd).

Maybe this isn't an article about how I love Limbo. I think this is really an article about how I love the taste of Limbo that I've had. Maybe I don't want to buy Limbo because I love it like I love the idea of that cute girl at the bar who flirted with me that one time (this is an example sweetie, I don't remember her, I swear).

I think it's time to take the plunge so this affair can be over. Monday. Look for an update here on Monday. Unless Limbo and I spend all day doing dirty, dirty things.

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