Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weekend Dining

Upper Crust

Canadian Bacon and Banana Peppers Pizza!
Very tasty slice of pie. I knew going in that I would enjoy this, so it's not like I was pleasently surprised or anything. The Upper Crust always delivers what I want. There's just something incredible about their tomato sauce. I imagine it's the chunky pieces of super fresh tomato, but I'm hardly an expert. I'll let you know when their slice of the day let's me down.

Stephanies on Newbury

Tuna Tartar (w/ Avacado, crisps, and wasabi horseradish, all wrapped in a sliced cucumber)
What part of heaven did this come from? The tuna, a heaping portion, rests on a bed of Avacado and is begging to be dipped into the wasabi sauce. It's quite a bit like eating a giant piece of sushi, but even better! The tuna was amazingly fresh and the whole dish felt like eating a nice Summer day. Which is exactly what I was looking for on a chilly start of Fall day.

Clam Chowder
Thick, creamy and rich... what else can you ask for in a Clam Chowder? The seasoning was right on and the crackers came stuffed with cheese for an extra bite of flavor. Fantastic.

The Stephie Slammer
Have you ever wanted to get drunk quickly? Try this. It's a martini glass filled with bourbon and garnished with lemon, lime, and some drunken cherries. Wow, packs one heck of a punch.

Rino's Place

Pumpkin Ravioli
An interesting appetizer. It wasn't what I was expecting, since most pumpking things this time of the year are sweet as all get out. This wasn't. It was like eating the meat of a pumpkin... which had been stuffed inside of a piece of pasta... So they got that down :) It was good. I'd definitely have it again, but I can't say I love it yet.

Vitello Marsala
Rino's always has excellent pasta and meat. This was no exception. Everything was cooked to perfection and the marsala sauce was to die for. I ate every last bite happily, even after I should have stopped eating.

Kung-Fu Girl Wine
I like a tasty white, and I have no shame about saying this. What a fantastic Riesling!

The Beehive

French Toast
This is the best French Toast I have ever had in my life. Apparently the secret is that the toast is covered in some kind of fried brown sugar/ corn flake mix. Simply amazing. I'd eat this every day if I could.

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