Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Get Your Babies Off My TV!

I have had absolutely enough of this horrid awful trend of using babies and their idiot parents as a form of entertainment on my television. My television is meant for one thing and one thing only: interesting and thoughtful entertainment. I accept procedural dramas, because those have been stepping up their game with interesting characters as a means to distinguish themselves from other procedural dramas. I accept reality television even, reality television is a group of consenting adults who have opened themselves up to be exposed as either slack jawed idiots or scheming bastards who will do anything to win a competition or some notoriety. Right now I’m watching Professional Wrestling that I had to DVR because I was busy reading comic books when I could have been watching athletic body builders risk serious harm to every part of their bodies in a cheesy soap opera. Putting barely aware, practically fetal tiny humans on my TV and expecting me to be anything but outraged (in the wrong way, there is an art to making me feel outraged in a way that I can respect you for doing it) and disgusted in these “parents” for a) exploiting their children and b) for being crazy enough to go to extreme measures to have kids as if kids were some kind of status symbol.

And that is all I feel like saying on the matter. I wanted to write about the terrible shows in some detail, but there is no need to. They can all be summed up in one filthy sentence, and I think I’ve written than one filthy sentence.

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