Wednesday, November 3, 2010

N.E.R.D. - Nothing

I love the new album by N.E.R.D. I was pretty sure I'd like it going in, The Neptunes making music for themselves has been awesome since they started doing it (there's something creative in N.E.R.D. that I normally only find in film and comic books), but I wasn't aware how much the album would move me.

Mix up soul beats, party jams, and the quirkiness and experimental standard that the group sets themselves to with a sense of sheer FUN, and I'm in love. The album makes me happy, almost gleeful. It makes doing the dishes a dance party, playing with the dog a dance party, and writing this blog entry a dance party.


I've probably been reading too much Andrew W.K. blog.

Whatever. I'm happy, and you can be as well, here, listen to this:

I came to sweat, I came to sweat, I came to sweat.

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