Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tropes and Gods

Steam punk Jesus can power his own personal rotocopter through his powers of science magic. Steam punk Jesus has all of the coolest energy weapons: the concentrated lightning blasts he fires have less initial energy discharge than other peoples blaster guns.

Deep future Buddha is fat and mostly naked. His science fiction underpants can change the electrical pulses in your brain: he will literally force nirvana upon you. In the far future that Deep future Buddha is from all food is in pill form and is engineered to give you everything you need and nothing more. Deep future Buddha eats people to maintain his girth.

Chibi Cthulhu forces everyone who gazes upon him to be filled with the love and joy of an over excited tweenage fangirl. He does not understand the concept of sadness, because he literally cannot feel it and nobody in his presence can feel it. Chink Cthulhu has never used a cellular phone because he doesn't have ears, he listens to noises by converting sound waves into ambient energy that only his brain can process.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I have an iPad

I have an iPad.

Yes, I still think that’s a stupid name. I hate the “i” bit. Seems a smidgen selfish, ya know? Why can’t there be an usPad that everyone can love? Why the focus on the individual, like we’re all unique snowflakes or something. I’m not saying I dislike individuality, but let’s be real here, we’re talking about a netbook, most people are going to want and enjoy a netbook.

This is the first time in a while that I’ve sat down and typed up something on the old laptop. No touch screen here, just keys in a fairly ergonomic space. I don’t need to cramp my hands together in order to write, and I barely have enough time to let my brain process what my figures are ripping out. That’s the way I like it. I might not write as well, but I certainly write how I think, which feels better to me. Which is all that matters, really, as writing is a very, very selfish thing for me. It helps to clear my soul a little bit, and we know that thing can always use a bit of spring cleaning.

The problem with my laptop is that it’s not as convenient as my iPad. My laptop is, relatively speaking, quite large. It takes up at least three times the space of that my new toy does. But, I think I like writing on it more. A lot more, actually. There’s no word document on the iPad, none that I’ve found (not that I’ve been searching, mind), and even if there is it won’t have the same feel. Even opening up notepad feels like I’m opening up a new place in my mind. I think it’s because of the window, the appearance of a blank page. Not that the toy doesn’t have a blank page, it just doesn’t feel as inviting. It doesn’t give me a distraction to look at while I type.

I do like to read comic books on the thing though. Wow, are comic books on the iPad amazing to read.

I’m going to go search for some kind of word app.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cotto vs. Mayorga

Cotto vs. Mayorga

I'm a relative new comer to boxing, so when I saw that I'm excited for this fight, I saw it because it's been hyped well.

I think, typing this during round two of the fight, that the hype is warranted! It's been a solid firefight thus far. Both fighters are going at it, not terribly technical, but it's certainly entertaining.

Ha, Mayorga just talked smack to Cotto. Man might not be as good of a boxer, if I'm to believe the announce team, but he knows how to put on a show. Right now I've got to say I'm favoring Mayorga right now, he seems to be really going for it.

Start of round three the announce crew says Cotto is taking it. I'll believe them. They know more than I do.

Wow, Mayorga is trying to get Cotto to brawl. Like, legit just standing in the corner and shouting at the guy. I think he's frustrated, Cotto is pretty clearly more skilled. Mayorga is making a good show of the fight, but I think he's been getting beaten to the punch more often than not. Cotto had a lovely combo in there.

Round four. A lot of dancing so far. Cotto is evading most attacks and really picking his shots. I don't want to say Cotto is putting on a clinic, but... He did just slam Mayorga with a nice hook. Mayorga just went for a wild flurry, but, Cotto just smiled at it, and for good reason I think. Mayorga needs to pick his wild flurries better I think.

Round five. Mayorga with more corner showmanship, but Cotto just lit him up with an uppercut or two. I can't say I get the showmanship if you aren't going to do anything with it. Cotto is coming out real aggressive here, and I think it's working. I think Cotto is winning the fight Mayorga wants now. Conditioning issue? He doesn't look tired, but, he isn't going for it like he was in the first two rounds. Maybe he's just tired of getting punched?

Round six. Slow start, Mayorga just threw some wild shots at the air. Cotto has some solid dancing skills! He just slipped a lot of power shots while throwing some stingers back.

Mike Tyson is commenting! He just called both fighters past their prime. Brutal comments.

Round seven. Mayorga is sticking to his wild shots, I think I few found their mark! Now Cotto is missing, bit of a Bizzaro round here. Cotto spent most of that round running. So it certainly isn't a card issue for Mayorga.

Round eight. The announcers really know how to hype the fight as it goes on. Good for them, I like it. Cotto is making the fight his again, careful game. Mayorga feels slow again this round. Coming out strong for the last ten, but it doesn't seem like he had the juice. Maybe he is picking his flurry?

Round nine. Looks like the start of another Cotto round. Mayorga with some brutality! Dance, flurry, dance Mayorga! The one thing that's really confusing me is the weird hammer fists that Mayorga is throwing. I think Mayorga just took this one, he looks like he's in round one again.

Round ten. Slow start, it's like they're starting the feeling out process. Cotto seems to be on defense this round. Neither fighter seems to be landing much, but... did Mayorga do more? I don't know.

Round eleven. Cotto is excellent defensively. Mayorga still showboating comes off a bit desperate. Cotto's round for sure.

Round twelve. Mayorga's corner knows what's up. I like the good advice. Holy shit! Mayorga came out wild and was caught hard! Fight is still on! Cotto rallies again, Mayorga calls the fight off! Speculation that Mayorga broke his hand, wow!

Fun fight!